How to protect valuables when moving from Indian Creek Island to Marathon

Are you moving to Marathon soon? Where you keep your expensive valuables while moving is crucial to their safety and security. However, you may believe every person you come across as trustworthy but it only takes one theft to change your mind. Why risk it when there is a way to prevent it? Continue reading this article by Pro Movers Miami to learn how you can protect your valuables when moving from Indian Creek Island to Marathon.

Hire a reliable moving company

If you would like to be certain your items such as art are gonna be in the best possible hands, hiring a professional moving company is important. You may be asking yourself if there are any art movers near me?  It might seems cheaper to move everything yourself, however, it can increase your costs in the long run. Especially if you don’t know how to safely handle items. However, beware of cheap movers and make sure you ask to see their credentials first. Also, you have to check whether they are a registered company to make sure that they’re insured, reliable, and have the appropriate experience. You’re basically handing over your possessions to a third party for a brief amount of time, so you need to feel confident that you can trust them.

moving from Indian Creek Island to Marathon
Hiring a reliable moving company is key to protecting your valuables when moving from Indian Creek Island to Marathon.

Make an inventory

The first thing you need to do is figure out which items you consider valuable, and which items others may consider valuable. Once you have completed this, make a list of all your precious items. Then take a picture of them. This way, nobody can argue about their original condition or their presence while moving. Apps such as Cheqroom, Sortly, and Flowtrack allow you to snap photos of your belongings and categorize them.

Get insurance coverage

When moving from Indian Creek Island to Marathon you need to know that anything can happen on the road. And that is why the right type of moving coverage is gonna give you the peace of mind that your valuables things are going to be safe no matter what. It’s a good idea to contact movers Marathon FL and ask them if your current home insurance policy covers the relocation of valuables from one home to another. Also, make sure you discuss this critical issue with your moving company. They can tell you whether it’s necessary to buy extra insurance at all. If it is, then they can also help you get that extra coverage for your valuables when moving from Indian Creek Island to Marathon. This way, you’re gonna be entitled to full value protection if something happens to your variables whenever things are out of your direct control.

Business man giving contract to a woman
The right type of moving coverage will give you the peace of mind that your valuables things are going to be safe no matter what.

Make sure you pack with purpose

You should be purposeful and strategic with the way you pack. Start with high-quality packing materials. Plastic moving boxes are a great re-usable, highly-durable solution. If you settle to use boxes, you should make sure they’re strong and don’t have thin walls. Corrugated cardboard boxes are very good. When you’re packing, make sure you put heavier items toward the bottom and lighter items at the top of the box. Also, you can use small, individual boxes for small and fragile items. For extra protection, pack your valuables in a small box, and then pack them into a larger box

Get proper packing supplies

How you pack your valuables is going to determine whether they remain in one piece during the move or not. The quality and the right amount of packing materials are going to contribute greatly to the success of the packing operation. Are you ready to get the packing materials required to keep your valuables safe?

  • Boxes. It’s best to use original packaging or brand new boxes for your valuable items when moving from Indian Creek Island to Marathon. However, if you have to use second-hand containers, be sure the cardboard boxes are dry, strong, and don’t have any visible signs of pre-existing damage.
  • Packing paper. Buy lots of soft white packing paper as an initial protective layer.
  • Bubble wrap. Bubble wrap is gonna be your best friend when packing valuables because its protection often proves to be unmatched. Get a couple of rolls of bubble wrap from your local supply store or directly from your moving company.

Store Valuables Offsite

If you don’t need your items right away, using Miami storage facilities can be a very good move when dealing with important documents, valuable jewelry, and family heirlooms. Doing this is going to separate these items from the moving process. This means you don’t have to worry about the items getting mixed up with everything else. By the way, if you have trustworthy friends with a bit of additional space, storing a couple of boxes of valuables with them can relieve the pressure of the move.

Castle padlock monitors
Staying off social media and being quiet about your move is an important thing to do if

Stay Off Social Media

When moving from Indian Creek Island to Marathon, your valuables are going to be spread out in boxes all over your new and old home. It is also likely you won’t have all doors securely locked while you’re in the middle of the relocation. This means it’s the perfect opportunity for a thief to sneak in and steal your valuable possessions. Don’t let the people know you’re moving by sharing it on your social media. You never know who may be lurking in your newsfeed. Don’t take any chances with your valuables.

Moving from Indian Creek Island to Marathon

To get a stress-free experience when moving from Indian Creek Island to Marathon, it’s important to choose a moving company that’s equipped to meet all of your varying needs. From planning and packing to tearing down and setting up. Movers Indian Creek Island offer lots of moving services. These services cover every single need you may have—always for a competitive and affordable price.